Who is the Ark Church

Who is the Ark Church?

To know the Ark Church you must understand the Ark.  Jesus said “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matt. 25:35)  – that is the mission of the Ark.  So the Ark Church exists to support the Arks mission – which is people.  The Ark Church is a nondenominational church that exists to support this mission in three purposes of the church – worship, disciple and evangelize.  These three foundations come in lots of flavors – like Bible study, singing, dancing, serving the homeless, street witnessing and others.  We try to keep it simple – Jesus loves you.  Once you love him then begin your personal relationship with Him and then tell others with your words and life.  Ark Church exists to help you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

In the beginning…

The Ark Church started in 2020 when local brothers Derrick Bennett and Mike Bennett realized that the homeless in the Ark Ministries were not going to church so they decided to bring the church to them.  While we exists for many purposes, we focus much attention on the Ark Ministries and the precious people who venture these hallowed grounds.

People of the Ark

Derrick Bennett – born with toes in the sand – raised on the beach.  Found the Lord through band Kansas and Mountain Dew.  Since then Lord led me to the practice of law, a passion for His Holy Word and marriage to my high school sweetheart Angela.  We are blessed with six kids – Audrey, Kali, Mary Beth, Grace, Ginny and Zac.  In 2017 I began to serve with my brother Mike at the Ark Ministries and through that encounter began praying for the Lord to guide me on starting a church and so now….here we are – looking forward to riding this adventure with you.

Angela Bennett – Panama City has been my home for 50 years.  I claimed Christ as my savior as a young adult in college. Blessed to be married to the man I’ve loved since 8th grade. Raised our six children and survived!!  We have now been blessed with grandkids. Jesus is my hope and I continue to feel honored to serve Him. As a Christian, it excites my soul to know God is HERE and it is well.

Kelli – Kelli leads our student ministry with a great passion for Gods word and for our kids to grow in their knowledge and passion for Jesus Christ.

Rob Raines – Runs the Ark Church Campus, VetMission at the Veterans Nursing Home. Services there start at 10:00 am on Sundays.

Veterans Nursing Home
Panama City, FL 32404